Mega Man Legacy Collection 1-3 | The Completionist | New Game Plus ─ The Completionist

On this episode of New Game Plus I play the Mega Man Legacy Collection, completing Mega Man 1-3. I feel like I can truly appreciate this classic with its difficulty and all. Find out more on my Mega Man review!


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Did you know that one of the most classic retro platformers of all time didn't sell that well at all? And yet here we are with a Mega Man Legacy Collection celebrating its 30th anniversary. The first Mega Man was set to be a console exclusive and lock down that market, and though it didn't do well it showed the potential and power of the Nintendo consoles. When I last played Mega Man, Mega Man 2, and Mega Man 3 I was young and faced with their daunting difficulty. Now? Now I got moves. I've been around the block a few times I got this. Young me would be impressed.
To me, Mega Man was always best played in blocks. Mega Man 1, Mega Man 2, and Mega Man 3 blend together to create a fun (and sometimes frustrating) experience.

Let me know what you thought about my Mega Man Legacy Collection review!

Also let me know what other games I should re-complete for New Game Plus!

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