EVS vs. SUP | Play-In Knockout Game 3 | Mid-Season Invitational | EVOS vs. BAUSuperMassive (2018) ─ LoL Esports

VOD of Evos Esports vs. BAUSuperMassive eSports (Game 3)
2018 Mid-Season Invitational Play-In Knockout Stage #MSI2018

EVOS Esports Lineup:
Stark - Top Ornn
YiJin - Jungle Graves
Warzone - Mid Cassiopeia
Slay - ADC Tristana
RonOP - Support Alistar

BAUSuperMassive eSports Lineup:
fabFabulous - Top Maokai
Stomaged - Jungle Trundle
GBM - Mid Vladimir
Zeitnot - ADC Ezreal
SnowFlower - Support Braum

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