The Elder Scrolls: Legends - Introduction to Chaos Arena with Pete Hines ─ Bethesda Softworks

Before Chaos Arena launches on The Elder Scrolls: Legends, Pete Hines gives you a tour of the new mode and all the features it comes with.

Join us as Sheogorath himself takes over the Arena from December 14 through December 19, turning it into his own personal Chaos Arena.

The Chaos Arena comes complete with new art (including Sheogorath’s personal touch on the class avatars), cards, active scenarios, and lane conditions. Learn more about the new lineup of cards here. As an added bonus, if you log in to your Legends account during the event, you’ll get a free card pack, regardless of whether you try Chaos Arena or not! Card packs will be delivered shortly after the event ends.

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ESRB RATING PENDING: May contain content inappropriate for children. Visit for rating

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