The Douchebag Speech: VidCon 2016 Keynote ─ The Game Theorists

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At VidCon 2016 a couple months ago, I had the HUGE honor of being one of the creator keynote speakers, speaking in front of hundreds of young YouTubers looking for advice on how to grow their channels. And I thought it was a good idea to use my debut at VidCon to...tell a really embarrassing story?! Well yes, but I LOVE YouTube and in this speech I get to talk about why I spend all my time here, even when there are negative comments or long hours or people literally coming up to you and calling you a douchebag. Because yeah, that happened! And I wanted to share this with you guys because I know many of you would like to attend events like this, but can't due to travel or money. So uploading the speech here gives you a little peek into the action. Plus, I think it'll be fun for you to know a bit more about me and this channel that I've called home for the last 5 years. Hope you enjoy it!

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Leave PewDiePie ALONE! ►►
Will 2015 be the End of YouTube Rewind? ►
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Yes, PewDiePie, YouTube is BROKEN ►►

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