Quake Champions – Debut Gameplay Trailer ─ Bethesda Softworks

id Software Studio Director Tim Willits took to the stage at QuakeCon 2016 to debut the first Quake Champions gameplay trailer. Packed with blazing-fast action and explosive rocket jumps you know and love, get first look at the game’s Champions – including new characters and franchise favorites.

In true Quake fashion, you’ll have an arsenal of powerful and unique weapons, each of which will feel familiar to long-time Quake players. There’s no loadouts, and no limit to the amount of guns you can carry. Quake Champions will be going into closed beta in 2017, so it won’t be too much longer before you’ll be able to get your hands on the heart-thumping arena-style FPS and see for yourself just how fast it is, running at 120hz with unlocked framerates.

To stay up to date with all the latest information on Quake Champions, head to Quake.com.

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ESRB RATING PENDING: May contain content inappropriate for children. Visit www.esrb.org for rating information.

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