The Scorpion Sentinel in Final Fantasy 7 Remake might be the first boss you encounter, but it's no slouch on Normal difficulty. On Hard, the battle is even tougher, with the boss becoming more aggressive and hitting harder. Hard mode also adds a major handicap to you and your Avalanche crew: You can't use items. That means every fight in FF7 Remake's Hard mode is heavy on strategy, with every attack and magic spell needing to be carefully planned.
The Scorpion Sentinel isn't the most difficult boss in the game, of course, and while Hard mode is a challenge, knowing the ins and outs of the Scorpion Sentinel makes it completely possible to run it into the ground. Check out the video above to see the Scorpion Sentinel utterly dismantled on Hard mode in record time--less than 4 minutes from start to finish.
The key to taking down the boss super-quickly is knowing exactly where to hit it, and exactly how. Lightning magic is the weakness of most FF7 Remake robot enemies, and as soon as the boss throws up its barrier, you need to go after the generator on its back to do any real damage. Check out the rest of our FF7 Remake guides that can help you take down every boss, find every secret, and gather every collectible.
FF7 Remake - Hard Difficulty Scorpion Boss In Under 4 Minutes ─ GameSpot Gameplay

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