The year-long adventure into the Dark Heart of Skyrim begins with Harrowstorm, a new dungeon DLC game pack for The Elder Scrolls Online. Learn more about the supernatural threat that emanates from the island of Icereach and the plundered burial site of the Unhallowed Grave in this developer preview!
The Harrowstorm DLC game pack is coming February 24 for PC/Mac and March 10 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Get access to Harrowstorm free with an active ESO Plus membership, or purchase it with crowns from the in-game Crown Store.
Official Site:
ESRB Rating: MATURE with Blood and Gore, Sexual Themes, Use of Alcohol, and Violence. Online interactions not rated by the ESRB.
The Elder Scrolls Online: Harrowstorm Developer Preview ─ Bethesda Softworks

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