We Say Things 23 With SirActionSlacks ─ DotaCinema

"The episode with the ultimate memer SirActionSlacks"

Audio: http://sunsfan.gg/podcast

LIVE on twitch Tuesdays @ 2AM PST (11 CEST)
Twitch Stream: http://twitch.tv/sunsfantv

SUNSfan Twitter: http://twitter.com/SUNSfanTV
syndereN Twitter: http://twitter.com/syndereNDota
SirActionSlacks Twitter: http://twitter.com/SirActionSlacks

Slacks' early life
Employment history
Gaming origins
Getting into dota 2
Early content pieces
Meeting syndereN & SUNSfan for the first time
Sneaking into TI
Subbing for DC
Major Regrets
Midas Mode 2 Saga
In Bruges Weekly Question
Matthew McConaughey

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