Our Favorite Halloween TV Memories With Mr. Lobo - Rental Reviews ─ Cinemassacre

Mr. Lobo (our Landlord) joins us for a conversation about our favorite horror TV memories. We talk about Horror Hosts like Elvira, Joe Bob, and Mr. Lobo himself and also a ton of other spooky Halloween specials and movies. From The Halloween Tree to the Garfield Halloween Special to Roseanne to creepy commercials. It's truly the best time of year to watch TV!

Check out Mr. Lobo on his website Cinema Insomnia!!

Clips sourced from Eddie Spuhghetti.
Get his limited Halloween Companion VHS tapes here:
Combo Pack: http://www.osi74.com/index.php/produc...
Volume 1: http://www.osi74.com/index.php/produc...
Volume 2: http://www.osi74.com/index.php/produc...

Other clips from Dinosaur Dracula:

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James - https://twitter.com/cinemassacre
Justin - https://twitter.com/JustySilverman
Kieran - https://twitter.com/Kieeeeern
Tony - https://twitter.com/HacktheMovies
Mike - https://twitter.com/Mike_Matei

#HalloweenTV #HalloweenMemories #RentalReviews #Cinemassacre

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