Eyes On Detroit | 2019 LCS Summer Finals (Team Liquid Vs Cloud9) ─ LoL Esports

Team Liquid takes on Cloud9 at the LCS Summer Finals in Detroit in what can only be described as a clash of opposites. Team Liquid, looking for an unprecedented fourth consecutive title; versus Cloud9, looking to end a five year title drought. Jensen, arguably the best mid laner in the league; versus Nisqy, Jensen's replacement, hungry to make a name for himself. Svenskeren, the Summer MVP, versus Xmithie, a five-time champion who shuns the spotlight. So much is on the line for both teams, but only one can make history in Detroit.

#LCS #TeamLiquid #Cloud9

"Eyes On Theme" by Riot Games

"The Gritty Comeback" by Michael James Burns, Rachel David

"The Search" by NF
Written by Nate Feuerstein, Tommee Profitt
Performed by NF
Courtesy of Capitol CMG Genesis (ASCAP) / Tommee Profitt Songs (ASCAP)

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