Buff Jungles w/ Xerxe & Caedrel | EUphoria Season 3 Episode 9 ─ LoL Esports

Xerxe and Caedrel join Drakos to talk about Splyce and Excel’s recent performances and play a game of Celebrity Heads. Timestamps in the YouTube description below.

00:37 Bet updates
01:09 Splyce vs. G2
02:42 Excel vs. Schalke 04
04:02 Schalke 04 and Misfit’s performance issues
07:41 Caedrel’s gaming history
10:07 Celebrity Heads
19:04 Excel’s season summary
- 20:39 10 men roster
- 24:59 Long term goals
- 26:08 Skill ceiling
- 27:49 Urgot jungle
33:17 Xerxe’s creative picks
36:24 Splyce’s season summary
- 38:27 Outside perception
- 39:58 Playstyle
- 40:40 Mid game
- 41:39 Development
- 42:09 Synergy between Xerxe and Vizicsacsi
- 42:34 What does Splyce need to work on?
- 44:30 Current power ranking
45:41 Playoff battle
49:02 Splyce’s upcoming week
50:06 Current state of the jungle in the meta
56:18 Twitter questions
1:00:34 Bet

Bets to be resolved:
YamatoCannon karaoke bet

On-going bets:
Froskurinn & Quickshot tattoo bet
Jankos & Mikyx cosplay bet on G2 winning the Finals.

This week’s bet:
Caedrel, Xerxe and Drakos bet on who will be second in the LEC. Loser has to eat spicy food and provide a detailed game summary.

Tune in to #EUphoriaPodcast released every Wednesday 6PM CET.

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