Women in Esports w/ Sjokz | EUphoria Season 3 Episode 5 ─ LoL Esports

Froskurinn and Sjokz share their honest experience of working in esports. Timestamps in the YouTube description.

0:22 LEC updates
3:03 Sjokz in esports
- 4:13 What is the role of a host?
- 5:53 Sjokz's career
- 9:12 Dyrus interview
- 12:35 AmazingJ interview
14:29 Emotional moments in esports
- 16:56 Journalism in esports
- 18:12 Balancing the relationship between players and on-air talents
21:34 Replacing swear words
- 21:54 Getting in the zone
- 22:45 Players swearing on broadcast
23:12 Power of brands in esports
- 24:14 How to get into esports
- 25:32 Balancing cringe and humour
26:40 Women in esports
- 27:34 Disclaimer
- 28:32 Common comments
- 31:34 Should one ignore it
- 33:12 Personal vs. professional brands
- 34:24 Coping mechanisms
- 34:55 Responsibility
- 36:29 Why are you in esports?
- 39:07 Social media and hate comments
43:35 Twitter questions
- 44:48 Question 1: "Why is there a male abundancy in esports?"
- 50:40 Question 2: "How do you organise your segments?"
- 53:59 Question 3: "How is freelancing?"
1:04:54 Sjokz's superteam

On-going bets:
Wunder predicts 9:0 for G2 Esports in the first half of Spring Split. If correct, Drakos and Frosk must make a ridiculous public apology. If incorrect, Wunder must make one.

Bets to be resolved:
YamatoCannon karaoke bet

Tune in to #EUphoriaPodcast released every Wednesday 6PM CET.

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