Wunder joins Drakos and Froskurinn to talk about his history and the current state of G2 Esports. Timestamps in the YouTube description.
0:25 Timestamp Reminder
0:45 Review of Week 1 LEC
1:02 Seek-and-destroy composition
2:21 Misfits Gaming's performance
3:49 What is more important to prioritise?
5:24 Is Wunder an innovator?
6:31 Issues with deep champion pools?
8:15 Weekly LEC Awards
8:30 Most awkward play of the week
9:10 Thoughts on changes for Teleport
10:17 BM moment of the week
13:31 History of Wunder
13:56 How did you get into LoL?
15:14 Did you ever one-trick a champion?
16:50 Are you a grinder?
17:55 When was your breaking point?
21:05 Rising amongst Danish players
23:50 Team problems vs. Individual problems
25:56 Wunder's confidence as a top-laner
27:48 What is the most important thing you have learnt?
29:19 What is your strangest habit?
30:16 Perkz's bad habits
30:41 Does Perkz watch EUphoria?
31:44 G2 Esports
33:39 Does Perkz backseat mid-lane with Caps?
34:31 Is Perkz the Ringo Starr of G2?
35:49 Caps joining and Perkz moving to bot-lane
38:25 Did Perkz drop hints of his role swap?
39:55 Clash of egos?
41:47 Biggest strength of G2?
42:30 Impact of G2's victory over RNG at Worlds
44:49 Biggest weakness of G2?
47:24 Bet of the Week
48:58 Can you beat Misfits?
51:30 Previous bet updates
51:43 Twitter Segment: Best Overreactions
51:57 Overreaction 1
54:58 Overreaction 2
57:21 Overreaction 3
This week's bet:
Wunder predicts 9:0 for G2 Esports in the first half of Spring Split. If correct, Drakos and Frosk must make a ridiculous public apology. If incorrect, Wunder must make one.
Bets to be resolved:
YamatoCannon karaoke bet & Froskurinn judge costume bet.
Tune in to #EUphoriaPodcast released every Wednesday 6PM CET.
LEC Superteams w/ Wunder | EUphoria Season 3 Episode 2 ─ LoL Esports

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