The Elder Scrolls Online: Murkmire – Official Trailer ─ Bethesda Softworks

Delve into the treacherous swamps and jungles in Murkmire, The Elder Scrolls Online's latest DLC game pack, as you explore Argonia and discover a hidden world as dangerous as it is beautiful. Investigate Murkmire's long-forgotten past and help an Imperial scholar recover a mysterious and powerful relic. Brave the challenges of Blackrose Prison, a new 4-player arena, and test your might.

The Murkmire DLC will be available on October 22 for PC/Mac and November 6 on Xbox One and PlayStation4. This new adventure will be free with an ESO Plus membership or available for purchase from the in-game Crown Store.

To learn more about The Elder Scrolls Online and Murkmire, visit these sites:

Official Site:

ESRB Rating: MATURE with Blood and Gore, Sexual Themes, Use of Alcohol, and Violence. Online interactions not rated by the ESRB.

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