G2 vs. FNC - Week 7 Day 2 | EU LCS Summer Split | G2 Esports vs. Fnatic (2018) ─ LoL Esports

VoD of G2 Esports vs. Fnatic
EU LCS Summer Split 2018 #EULCS

Casters: Drakos, Deficio and Ender
Analyst Studio: Sjokz and Vedius
Interview: Laure Valée with Bwipo

Full Line up:
G2 Esports Line up:
• Wunder – Top Gnar
• Jankos – Jungle Nocturne
• PerkZ – Mid Orianna
• Hjärnan – ADC Varus
• Wadid – Support Tahm Kench

Fnatic Line up:
• sOAZ – Top Ornn
• Broxah – Jungle Sejuani
• Caps – Mid Yasuo
• Bwipo – ADC Vladimir
• Hylissang – Support Rakan

Watch all matches of the split here from all of our leagues: NA LCS, EU LCS, LCK Champions Korea, LPL. FULL VOD PLAYLIST https://www.youtube.com/user/LoLChamp...

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