On this episode of The Bachelor - I mean New Game Plus, I review the worst video game I've ever played: The Bachelor for the Nintendo DS.
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Curious about New Game Plus and the removal of previous Completionist episodes? The answers are in my update video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onlCu...
I know way too much about The Bachelor than I should. Growing up, my sisters kept me in the loop. So when I stumbled across The Bachelor video game for the Nintendo DS for nine bucks, I thought it would be funny to get it. But here I am now, reviewing this horrible game. Again. I did this twice! (For you, my true bachelor). Let's see what shovel work and mini-games are in store on this special episode of the TOVG Bachelor!
Let me know what you thought about The Bachelor Review? Who was YOUR Bachelor choice from the TOVG office?
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Credit to Purple Planet for the royalty-free music: http://www.purple-planet.com/using-ou...
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The Bachelor | The Completionist | New Game Plus ─ The Completionist

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