A gen 1 Pokemon game that has animated sprites and even more amazing music? Check our my Pokemon Pinball review on this week's episode of The Completionist.
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As with every large franchise there's always a few spin-off games from Hey You Pickachu and the more recent Pokemon Let's Go. And with Pokemon Pinball, they really hit it out of the park. Not only is this pinball game extensive featuring all 151 generation 1 Pokemon, but they are each animated! The music is a combination of songs from old and unreleased games and pairs well with the exceptional sound effects. The cartridge has a rumble back with a AAA batter to make it feel more like a "pinball machine" while on the game boy color, but to me it just was loud and annoying. In order to complete the Pokemon Pinball gameboy color game, I'm going to have to: catch all 151
pokemon, beat all all the bonus levels, and then get the top high scores on BOTH red and blue boards. Time to activate my pinball wizard skills!
Let me know what you thought about my Pokemon Pinball review!
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Pokemon Pinball | The Completionist ─ The Completionist

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