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I don't know how many of you recognize this game but I love it and you should definitely check it out. I'm talking about Power Stone. No not Thanos's. The Power Stone game! Harness the power of totally not Chaos Emeralds and transform your fighter. Check it all out in my Power Stone review!
Power Stone may not be a top fighting game on most people's lists, but it's been one of my favorite Dreamcast games of all time. Capcom created this interesting fighting game that utilized roaming the arena, using the environment, new characters, and being able to transform your character with the Power Stones themselves! There's some challenges ahead, especially with that Dreamcast VMU, but its nothing I can't handle right? Find out in my Power Stone review!
Let me know what you thought about my Power Stone review? Did you have a favorite character from this niche game?
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Power Stone | The Completionist ─ The Completionist

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