A Game About Kanye West! PVP Pitch Vs. Pitch ─ MojoPlays

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A Game About Kanye West & Cheese? PVP Pitch Vs. Pitch
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What would a game about Kanye West look like? Okay well, what about one about cheese? If these questions seem strange and unusual to you, that means we're doing our jobs right - but we're only just getting started! Welcome to the soft reboot of Pitch vs. Pitch, and today Dan & Chris enter the pitch zone to throw around some ideas for some very, very wacky games that will sure never, ever get made.

To get your ideas turned into WatchMojo or MojoPlays videos, head on down to http://Watchmojo.com/suggest

Gaming is the fastest growing, most innovative and most exciting form of entertainment in the world. A medium that's pushing the envelope in terms of cutting edge technology, cross cultural experiences and interactive story telling demands a form of commentary and analysis that can properly represent it's growing influence and importance: that's where MojoPlays steps in. On this channel, we seek to create content that gamers are proud to call their own; videos that put gamers at the head of the pack when it comes to insightful, intelligent media analysis. Gamers are getting smarter every day - it's time they had a YouTube channel that goes with them.

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