THAT'S PIKACHU'S VOICE!?!? | DETECTIVE PIKACHU | Fan Choice Friday ─ Thinknoodles

Today's Fan Choice Friday is Detective Pikachu!! It's a new PokĂŠmon-based game released for Nintendo 3DS where you partner up with Pikachu and solve mysteries!
➥ Let's smash 4,000,000 subs! Subscribe now!! đŸœ đŸœ

➥ Next: Friday!


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➥ Music
Intro/Outro - Provided By Monstercat
"Safe & Sound" by Nitro Fun

➥ About My Channel
Hey everyone, it's your friend Thinknoodles and welcome to my YouTube channel! Join me, my dog Kopi and other friends on our adventures in video games. Here you can find all kinds of family-friendly gaming videos. I play lots of different games from Minecraft, Subnautica, Roblox, Pixelmon and Pokemon to your favorites or just plain random mobile games, indie games and more!

Noodle on, Noodlers!

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