Sports games are usually last on my list, but Kirby's Dream Course combines the things I've been looking for: fun characters and a unique spin on the sport. A golf video game seems like an odd choice, but our pink little murder ball has a mind of its own. Tune in for my Kirby's Dream Course review!
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Golf. People in polos and visors line the green, a soft murmur from the audience complains about the glaring sun as a player gets ready to tee off. They swing, the ball rolls, people clap softly. Got that in your head? Now imagine this: Same setting, the player takes his ball, places it on the tee, goes for the swing, the ball suddenly attacks everyone, eating everything in its path. That, is Kirbys Dream Course. Golf with murder.
Now this was released on the SNES when Kirby was still fairly new. There was a fair number of sports games at the time, but they all LOOKED and PLAYED like sports. Packed with the cutesy enemies, amazing soundtrack, and the ability to make golf fun, Kirby's Dream Course is an unexpected great game.
Let me know what you think about my Kirby's Dream Course review!
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