This is a preview of the next vehicles that will be released on GTA Online in the coming weeks: P-45 Nokota, RM-10 Bombushka, Buckingham Pyro, Buckingham Howard NX-25, Mammoth Mogul, Seabreeze, FH-1 Hunter, Dewbauchee Rapid GT Classic, Coil Cyclone, Vigilante.
All ten vehicles have been modded into Grand Theft Auto V (single player) and spawned and modified using a trainer.
GTA Online Updates and DLC Playlist:
0:38 - Buckingham Pyro
1:42 - Mammoth Mogul
2:49 - Western Company Seabreeze
3:49 - P-45 Nakota
5:11 - Buckingham Howard NX-25
6:23 - FH-1 Hunter
7:33 - RM-10 Bombuska
9:15 - Vigilante
10:19 - Coil Cyclone
11:44 - Dewbauchee Rapid GT Classic
Video recorded on: PC with all maxed out settings
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GTA Online - All Unreleased Vehicles: Vigilante, Hunter, Bombushka, Cyclone & More ─ GTA Series Videos
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