TANK BATTLE DEATHMATCHES!! Shellshock Live Funny Moments & FAILS
In this Shellshock Live funny moments and fails video, we played this epic tank battle game and got super salty with each other! EVERYONE GANG UP ON BRENDAN!!!
In Shellshock Live, demolish your friends with hundreds of upgradable weapons shot from your customizable tank in this action-packed online multiplayer tanks game. Earn XP to level up and unlock new tanks, weapons, and gear. Fight against or alongside your friends for strategic team or free-for-all matches.
•Make sure to Subscribe!!! https://goo.gl/Az5SEQ
Team Landed It:
•SnakeFistExplosion - https://youtube.com/SnakeFistExplosion
•Team GEO - https://youtube.com/TeamGE0
Check out:
•HikeTheGamer - https://goo.gl/UpciQw
•HikeTV - https://www.youtube.com/c/HikeTV
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HikePlays is a YouTube Gaming streaming channel. We try to stream everyday and have daily uploads over on https://YouTube.com/HikeTheGamer. I play lots of games ranging from Grand Theft Auto to Ark: Survival! If you want to get ahold of me feel free to check me out on my Twitter page @HikeTheGamer! Thanks for checking out my channel!
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TANK BATTLE DEATHMATCHES!! Shellshock Live Funny Moments & FAILS ─ HikePlays

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