Grand Theft Auto 3 Side Mission Guide / Walkthrough Video in Full HD (1080p)
GTA 3 Side Missions Walkthrough Playlist:
Rampages are challenges that require the players to kill a specific number of enemies or destroy vehicles within 2 minutes.
There are 20 rampages in total - 6 in Portland, 7 in Staunton Island, and 7 in Shoreside Vale.
All rampages are required for 100% completion of the game.
Portland Island:
1:26 - Rampage #1: Murder 30 Diablos in 120 seconds
3:34 - Rampage #2: Kill 25 Triads in 120 seconds
5:55 - Rampage #3: Destroy 13 vehicles in 120 seconds
8:15 - Rampage #4: Kill 20 Triads in 120 seconds
10:29 - Rampage #5: Destroy 10 vehicles in 120 seconds
13:55 - Rampage #6: Kill 20 Mafia in 120 seconds
Staunton Island:
16:34 - Rampage #7: Burn 25 Yakuza in 120 seconds
19:06 - Rampage #8: Pop 17 Yardie in 120 seconds
22:20 - Rampage #9: Annihilate 30 Yardies in 120 seconds
24:34 - Rampage #10: Destroy 8 vehicles in 120 seconds
27:11 - Rampage #11: Torch 16 Yakuza in 120 seconds
29:43 - Rampage #12: Destroy 15 vehicles in 120 seconds
32:24 - Rampage #13: Explode 25 Yardies in 120 seconds
Shoreside Vale:
34:46 - Rampage #14: Splatter 20 Colombians with a car in 120 seconds
36:22 - Rampage #15: Driveby and destroy 7 vehicles in 120 seconds
38:50 - Rampage #16: Destroy 15 vehicles in 120 seconds
41:11 - Rampage #17: Remove 15 Colombian heads in 120 seconds
44:01 - Rampage #18: Fry 20 Colombians in 120 seconds
46:09 - Rampage #19: Behead 20 Hoods in 120 seconds
48:35 - Rampage #20: Splatter 20 Hoods in 120 seconds
Related Achievements \ Trophies:
â Blood in the Streets - Pass all 20 Rampages.
Game available on: Sony PlayStation 2, Sony PlayStation 3, Sony PlayStation 4, Xbox, PC, iOS & Mobile
Video recorded on: PC
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GTA 3 - Rampages ─ GTA Series Videos
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