Prey – Secrets from the Announce Trailer ─ Bethesda Softworks

A tastefully appointed apartment with a view to die for. A steamy cup of freshly brewed coffee. A man going through his morning routine in preparation for the day ahead. And then‌ all hell breaks loose. Menacing alien creatures appear out of nowhere. A body floats in zero-gravity inside the Talos I space station. Smokey tendrils snake up your hands. The recently revealed Prey announce trailer gives a tantalizing teaser of what’s to come in Arkane Studios’ upcoming game. But what does it all mean? While we’re not (yet) unraveling all the enigmas of Prey, we managed to pry a few secrets from Arkane Studios President and Prey Creative Director Raphael Colantonio. From the space station to the aliens to that hot cup of coffee to the game’s logo itself, Colantonio clues us in to some intriguing elements hidden within Prey’s trailer.

Prey will be available on PS4, Xbox One and PC in 2017.

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