Never watched Starcraft? Try SHOUTcraft Kings, my monthly event. ─ TotalBiscuit, The Cynical Brit

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SHOUTcraft Kings is a monthly King of the Hill with mystery invites and top players. We had a ton of messages both in person and online last month from lapsed Starcraft fans and even non-players who said they really enjoyed this event because of how unique and fresh the format was and because the casting was newbie-friendly and exciting. Last month, South Korean Terran SKT1.Innovation destroyed 7 of the best players in the world to take his spot as King of the Hill. To keep his crown, he must win every single match, one mistake will cost him the title, but every win pays $250 in prize money. So why not check it out? If this is your first time watching Starcraft 2, this is the perfect event to start with.

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