DALLAS SHOOTING CHARITY STREAM! (Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Livestream) ─ Drift0r
DONATE HERE: https://www.twitchalerts.com/donate/d...
Private donations: http://www.russmartin.fm/donate/
I am a Dallas resident and last night my city came under attack from several gunmen. They were targeting police officers during the peaceful Black Lives Matter protest in downtown Dallas. As of right now, five police officers have lost their lives and five more have sustained serious injuries. There were some civilian injuries as well. This is the worst loss of emergency responder lives since Sept. 11 2001.
All donations will go directly to the Russ Martin Show Listeners Foundation. This charity is setup by local radio show host Russ Martin and disperses 99% of donations directly to the next of kind of DFW police officers who die in the line of duty. To the best of my ability to research Form 990 and Form 1023 and google-fu this morning; the RMS Listeners Foundation is the most direct local charity that will support the fallen.
In order to ensure that donations pop up on stream and encourage others to donate, I am taking donations through my private PayPal account. At the end of the stream I will donate all the funs in bulk to the RMS Listeners Foundation and then tweet proof of my donation. This is the best way to do it since I cannot get notification alerts for private accounts.
Finally, all monetization for this stream should be disabled and I will be playing Black Ops 3.
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